Since right about the beginning of this century, the practice of law has rapidly and dramatically been changing in the United States and everywhere else in the world. With thousands of people now going to the internet every day to look for lawyers and legal information, a substantial web presence has become an imperative for any successful law practice in the 21st century. Thousands of attorneys have learned – and many are still learning – to build a successful law practice with an impressive online presence. In fact, legal marketing has undergone a complete revolution. In the old days, you bought an ad once a year in the Yellow Pages, printed up a business card, and hoped for good publicity in the local newspaper.
Today, the Yellow Pages and a business card are only the beginning of marketing. If you are an attorney, pretend for just a moment that it’s 1966 again. Across the city from you, a 16-year-old girl has been severely injured by an intoxicated driver, and at the hospital, the girl’s father realizes that he’s going to need help from a personal injury attorney. In 1966, if it’s a Friday night, he’s going to have to wait all weekend – even answering machines were rare back then. Today, all the father has to do is find you online with his personal mobile device and email you or complete an online contact form. You check in with your office, and you give him a brief call on Saturday morning. A family is reassured and relieved rather than worried and anxious all weekend.